February Update: Dream Home


Wow! February has come and gone! We started off the month by celebrating our Zekey's first birthday! He had a super fun filled day with lots of family and friends. We even enjoyed using the clubhouse in our new neighborhood for the first time. :) I'm still working on his picture from my camera, but here are a few snapshots from my phone.

On Zeke's actual birthday, I took my first "personal" day from work and was able to stay home with him for his first day as a one year old (that sounds entirely too big). I'm so thankful to have a job that allows for time off for special days. On the actual "big day", we met up with our sweet friends in Tally for a Giggle's play date and lunch. Each time, Zeke gets more and more confident with the play area.

One of our newest ventures this month was to sign Z up for his first group of swim lessons. The first lesson was pretty interesting, the water was pretty cold so Zeke wasn't interested in the slightest. Each lesson got better and better and by the end of the sessions, he was diving for his favorite yellow ball.

Of course, our dream home was progressing throughout the month. We still take our daily walks by the house to take a picture and see all of the progress. It's been so neat to see the progression and learn all about how a house is built. From a pile of dirt to windows and doors- it's been such a neat experience. I can't wait to update when all of the cosmetic things start to unfold!

We've had such a great month and we are enjoying our new neighborhood more and more each day. I'm leaving for a conference with my students this week in ATL... I can't wait to see all of the progress that's made while I'm gone. Z and Josh are going to be having some good ol' guy time in the meantime. ;)

I hope you all have had a blessed month!
