Baby #2 | Sept + Oct Update 


That’s right! For those that may have missed the news, we are pregnant with baby number 2! Baby Dale Dos is currently growing and doing well- we are so thankful that The Lord has blessed us again with such a miracle!

So how did this all happen???? Hmmm.. we decided to try for another bayy bayy last year and thought “planning” delivery around the summer break would be a grand idea! Well... it’s funny how you God works! I started testing every month (you know, the obsessive kind where you take like 2-3 tests a day!) and they all came back negative for about 3-4 months. I started to get a little concerned about things so I made an appointment for a women’s check up. At the apt I mentioned trying for a few months and they, of course, assured me things would be okay and to give it “time.” Well, if you know me, I’m not the most patient person in the world. I like to plan and have things down to a Science.

So... after the appointment I decided I would test one more time after my next missed period and then give it a rest until the next summer or whenever The Lord saw fit. I did- and of course, negative. So, I prayed and was completely comfortable in waiting. My body had been through a lot with my first pregnancy so maybe I needed more time?

27 days later... a hurricane came and we went up north (GA) to spend some time with family (last blog post). We came home that Tuesday and started cleaning up the yard/ house.... as I was cleaning our bathroom I saw a remaining test and thought... well, I still haven’t started my cycle (27 days late!!) so what the heck?? I didn’t even tell Josh! Well.... what do ya know!!! ++++! So, that means, I was probably pregnant at my Drs apt about not being able to get pregnant and didn’t even know it!! (Face palm!)

I quickly threw a “Best Big Brother” shirt I had stashed away (and recently put in the back of a drawer thinking it wouldn’t be used) on Zeke and sent him out into the living room to show Daddy!! I’ll admit, it took Josh a while, but he was very surprised as I had pretty much told him to hang it up for the time being. Hahahaha! Wow does God create the best surprises!

I anticipated I was about 4 Weeks and was anxiously awaiting the hyperemesis (if you’re not familiar, click here) to return that I had so badly with Zeke. Fast forward a couple weeks, family photos to announce... and another week and I still was not getting sick... I of course thought maybe I’m one of the lucky ones who doesn’t have it every pregnancy (even though Drs warned me otherwise). The first apt came along and we finally got to see our pumpkin! I measured about 4 Weeks then and realized I somehow was way off on my dates. The next couple of days, I began to have terrible boughts of “sickness” and was able to start treatment right away thanks to an awesome team of Drs.

After a week or so on medication we realized it was going to take more to become stable again so we added in the IV infusions, pump, etc.... at this point I was unable to return to work but seemed to be a little better with the new meds.

Another week or so later, I continued to lose weight and a couple ER trips later (due to dehydration)... the Dr suggested a PICC line for a more permanent solution. This made me very nervous, as the first thing I remembered from nursing school was a line that goes directly into your superior vena cava- your heart!!

Although, it was not bad at all and I had the most amazing nurse that taught me so much about PICC lines! CRMC was outstanding and I am so appreciative of all of their help!

I’ve now had the PICC line for almost two weeks and although we are still adjusting medications and fluids, it is really helping me and the little nugget.

At this point, I continue to be so thankful for the blessing of life but I do miss my work family, my students and being able to Mommy my sweet boy. I try to remind myself that this is a phase and pregnancy does not last forever. I know work will always be there, but health and the safety of the nugget is what I need to focus on now.

Here are some photos of our journey so far!

I plan on blogging as much as possible to stay positive and have precious memories of what may be our last little one!

I thank you all so much for your prayers and encouragement!
