Irma-cation | Family Football Saturday

What a week this has been! Friday, at school we found out that school would be canceled for Monday of this past week due to Hurricane Irma. At the time, we didn't know quite how bad it would be but we began preparing. After watching the news that night, it seemed that it was making it's way closer and closer to us. We decided just to be on the safe side, we would head north and spend some time with family. So... Saturday morning- we headed out to SC!

Oddly enough, the weather was beautiful! Zeke loved playing with his cousin Liam and jumping on the trampoline!

We had a fun day of football on Saturday cheering on Daddy's team! Go dawgs! We found Zeke a new football jersey at target that should fit him all season!

During the storm, we prayed so hard for our hometowns and were relieved that most everyone stayed safe. Shortly after we left, school was called off through Wednesday so we decided to head back Tuesday.

And then once again, due to power outages and nutrition issues, school was called off for the rest of the week. This gave us plenty of time to prepare for the week and to clean up our yard from the storm. Thankfully, we had power as soon as we returned home, but many around us were not as fortunate. It was so amazing to see our town come together during this tough time and love on each other. ❀️❀️

Friday, we took a Roro (my mother) date to Thomasville for lunch and an oil change! Zeke had a blast, and I enjoyed hanging with my Ma!

Just like that, the intense week was over and it was officially Gameday for the Dale's! We picked up the cutest little shirts at Magnolia Lane in Thomasville so we could be sure to match for the dawgs!!

Of course with our matching red and black- I had to take advantage of a quick family photo shoot! ?

Although the storm was scary, I feel that it brought a lot of joy to our area and love was shown in so many ways. I am blessed to live in a town and work for a system that I know always looks out for the safety and security of our teachers and students.

As we prepared for the hurricane, this verse really encouraged me:

Psalm 93:4

Mightier than the thunder of the great waters, mightier than the breakers of the sea -- the Lord on high is mighty.

Unfortunately though, not everyone recovered from Irma as quickly and as easily as we did. Many of our neighbors in Florida and on the islands suffered complete devastation. As we were returning home my heart broke for all of the south Florida tags we saw making their way back to the unknown. We will continue to lift up our neighbors and pray for peace that can only come from The Father!