August | Life Lately!

I can't believe it! The school year is here and we are on our way to an amazing year of teaching and learning! Zeke is super excited about his new adventure of pre-school and we can't wait to see what all he learns!


You can't start school without a monogrammed bookbag! Yes, I thought this was "toddler" size, but it is not... oh well. :\


The month of August was full of exhausted nights and cookies for dinner. I love to take pictures, and I love to document, but I think it is also important to show that motherhood isn't always perfect and we all have our days... Amen?!?


Zeke ran a fever for his first week of school, so we started late in true "Dale" fashion. This was about as good as I could get with an 18 month old.... haha!


Of course we got excited about the eclipse! My kiddos at school did a research project on Solar Retinopathy and I made a little keepsake (that was torn apart in about 10 seconds!) for Z!


I accepted a swim team coaching position last year and am so excited to start my first year coaching! Our wonderful athletic department handed out these goodies so that I can attend tons of sporting events cheering on our Packers! Josh and I have really enjoyed go to Friday-night football games.


As the school year began, I prayed for something that I could begin that would allow me to grow deeper in The Word. I saw a post about Bible Journaling and thought this would be a great way to grow and also mediate on God's word. I have a lovely group of ladies on Facebook who have joined me and it is so encouraging.


Although August was filled with many meetings, late nights, and busy days.... it always ended with coming home to my boy! I am really trying to make an effort to have some one-on-one quality Zekey time every night, followed by at least an hour of chill time with the hubby after Z goes to bed each night. I feel like with the 15+ hours we are awake each day, 2 hours of uninterrupted family time is a must and shouldn't be as hard as it is sometimes. This will require me learning to say no, putting the to-do list aside and being okay with not responding to messages the minute they come (hardest part!). Oh, and getting better with meal planning (haha, major work in progress)!  I know that family time is something so valuable and am praying that we learn to manage our busy schedules while still spending lots of quality time together- everything else can wait. :)

I am really looking forward to getting into our school year routine next month and finding our pace in this busy life.

I pray you all have a had a great start to your school year and are settling into your fall rhythm.

Much Love- Dap!