Family Beach Trip- Day 2&3

Day two started off with a fun trip to the Daytona Flea Market! It’s only open on the weekends so we had to take our chance while we could. Haha! It was pretty miserably hot and the babes weren’t too thrilled. We did manage to let Ezra take a nap and bribed Zeke with a crappy overpriced tractor toy so that we could walk around and look at all the junk for a few more minutes. I did manage to snag this $5 dolla hat and some cheap sunglasses!  😂 


After we finished up at the Flea Market, we came home for an afternoon at the beach. It was really hot so Josh stayed with Ezra in the room while Mom and Roro went to play saaand! Zeke had a blast and after about 2 hours he wanted to go to the phhhoool. We swam for a few and then he decided it was time for “couch and baba.” Which sounded like an awesome idea to this tired Mama!  


Day three:

Somehow, we all slept in until about 10:30-11. Since it was so late and rain was in the forecast, we decided to take Z to Chuck E Cheese for the afternoon. The last time we went, was last year at our annual beach trip. He seemed to enjoy the games a lot more this time! He loved getting tickets after each game and throwing them in his bag. We took him to the prize wall and told him to pick out a prize (teaching moment of setting a goal and going after it... hahaha) so we knew how many tickets to try for. Of course, he picked the huge dinosaur at the top that cost 2500 tickets. At the time, we only had about 200 so we sent Roro and Daddy off to play some serious games and rack up some tickets for us! 😝 I think they had more fun than Z! After about 3 hours (yes, for real)... we had about 2000 tickets so we called it a day and got our beloved dinosaur! Zeke still threw a fit when we had to leave, but he apologized and was ready to drive off when we finally got loaded. 


We finished the night at our yearly tradition: Blackbeard’s Inn- where they have the BEST prime rib known to man and all around amazing food. You generally have to wait about an hour even when you arrive at 5:30 but it is oh so worth it! 


Tomorrow we have a big day planned out on the water! I’m a little nervous about taking Z out on the boat for the first time but excited to see how he likes it! ❤️