Life Lately | Moved In! | May Update


Yay! We have finally moved in! We had planned to use the weekend (after closing on Thursday) to move, but we last minute decided to use a moving company and they only had an opening on the Tuesday of that week! So- we fast forwarded things a little and moved Tuesday afternoon! I was so impressed with the moving guys, they had our whole house packed up in an hour and we were on our way (across the street) to the new house!

Again, we were so blessed to have family around to help keep Z entertained as I instructed the movers and began to unpack the necessities. Z LOVES to vacuum so he was in heaven during moving week :)


During the first few nights, my goal was to set up the main living areas, the bedrooms, and the kitchen. The guest bedroom still needs some decorating and my office/ boutique room upstairs needs some organizing, but everything else is pretty much complete! Yay!


Zeke had to make sure he broke in the bathtub the first night- it sure does bathe well! (toys were still packed up, oops) ;)


Josh was gracious enough to send me for a pedicure after a long week of moving. We recently got a Nails by Chris in Moultrie and I am in love- this was my favorite nail place in T'ville!


We took our first grocery trip during the weekend to restock and refresh somethings. Z was so happy about his first time in the big boy cart! Side note: sweet carrots in a can are gross! I thought I had hit the jackpot bc they are Z's favorite, steamed, but the can is a NO-GO!


He had a little pouting session when we turned down the checkout lane, he was not ready to leave!


I was in the mood for some DIY, so Sunday, after Z went to bed- I tried my hand at DIY bath bombs! Ya'll, these things are so easy to make and they are just like the store-bought but sooo much cheaper! Check out the recipe above!


Be careful with the citric acid- it's kinda strong and burns ya eyes! :|


The finished product! I didn't have molds (yet!) So, I took a bulb syringe, cut off the tip and then cut the bulb in half to make a make-shift mold. ;)


 Z has been having such a fun time in his room- he went without a room for a few months during the construction, poor guy! We still need to hang his shelves, but he sure does like dumping all of his toys out and making a big mess in his new abode. ;)


During the week, we had some free time before Dad got home from his faculty meeting, so we did an impromptu photoshoot in the living room. Yay for natural light! Lifestyle shoots are for sure becoming my favorite!

Fast forward through the week>>>> and that brings us to Mother's Day weekend! Both boys were sick Friday and Saturday with sinus junk, but that made for some awesome cuddles and relaxation with my two main men. :) Sunday, they were both feeling a little better- and gave me the best Mother's Day ever!  I slept in until about 10 AM!! I woke up to breakfast cooked by the hubs and some beautiful Azaleas from Zeke! :)

After a long afternoon nap with my boys, we snuck out for lunch/dinner at my favorite place... Chili's (don't judge)! We finished up the day by talking to our own Mom's- who are the best on the planet!

Although I hate they were sick, I couldn't have asked for a better weekend with my boys. We were even able to sneak in a few pics on the porch!


I finished up the day by enjoying the beautiful sunset through our front door, an awesome new face mask, and all while thanking God for such a blessed life and beautiful family. I am truly in awe of all of his blessings. When I'm having a bad day, I hope to look back on this post and be reminded of how great of a Father He truly is!

I clung to this verse while in college, and I am a firm believer- in His timing and in a way only He knows, He WILL give you a hope and a future. Through all of the ups and all of the downs, I know He will work things out for the good of those that love Him.

Jeremiah 29:11- For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Romans 8:28- And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Be blessed, my friends. Praying for you, always!

